Ms. Katherine Baranja » CS4ALL At PS 58


We use many different programs throughout the year in CS4ALL. We also have many different robots and unplugged activities that allow students to develop, practice, and enhance their understanding of computer science fundamentals. 
Resources to continue our computer science work at home:

Course A (for Ages 4-7), Course B (for Ages 5-8), Course C (for Ages 6-10)

Course D (for Ages 7-11), Course E (for Ages 8-12), Course F (for Ages 9-13)


-Scratch for Google CS First: In this curriculum a student account is directly linked to Scratch to allow students to create their own projects and follow various tutorials. 


-Hour of Code: One hour tutorials designed for learners of all ages in over 45 languages. 


-Microsoft MakeCode: Tutorials and game design. It is a free online learn-to-code platform where anyone can build games, code devices, and mod Minecraft. Student accounts are linked to Microsoft Make Code. 


Click the link below to see more about CS4ALL at PS 58!