Registration Guidelines
Students are admitted in two ways: (1) by reaching the entrance age (age 4 for Prekindergarten and age 5 for Kindergarten) by the required deadline and (2) by transferring from private or parochial school, or from public schools in NYC, or from other school districts. Students entering for the first time must have a birth certificate and evidence of proper immunization. The child must enroll under full legal name.
It may become necessary for some students to leave school during the year. Parents must notify the child’s teacher and the office two weeks in advance so the transfer will be speedy and efficient. Library books and all text books must be returned before a transfer will be issued. All transfers are given to parents only.
Checkout Policy:
Students will be released only to parents and guardians with the proper identification as well as those added to the child’s emergency card. Parents are also required to sign out his/her child. This is for your child’s safety.
Documents required for registration:
- An original birth certificate must be presented as proof of age.
- We must see Proof of Immunization (Polio, DPT, and MMR) as well as Hep Immunization.
- We must have two or three Proof of Address in the name of the parent (gas bill, electric bill, or mail from any government agency (federal, state, city) addressed to the parent of the child. Phone bills and bank statements are not an acceptable proof of address.
- Photo I.D. (drivers license, non-drivers license, passport) of parent.
- Report Card