Special Education » Special Education

Special Education

At P. S. 58, we offer the options located within the NYC Department of Education Special Education Continuum. If needed, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) can be developed to best suit your child’s academic needs. The first step in determining if your child has a disability and if he or she requires special education services (including related services), is to request an evaluation. Evaluation requests must be made in writing by you or a school representative. Note that Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy services require a doctor’s prescription, which you may be asked to obtain during the assessment process. Nursing, transportation services, and health paraprofessionals may require the submission of a doctor’s report.

Following the completion of required evaluations and analysis of other important information regarding the student, the school-based or district Committee on Special Education (CSE) team will determine whether he or she has a disability and if he or she requires special education services. Each program recommendation and related service should be reassessed annually in conjunction with the review of your child’s IEP.


General Education with Related Services

At P.S. 58, related services are provided to advance the achievement of a student with a disability in connection with his or her educational program. The fundamental objective of related services is to help maximize each student’s ability to achieve his or her educational goals.

Related services should be delivered in the least restrictive environment, and when appropriate, schools should integrate them into the classroom. Related services should be closely coordinated with the student’s teachers, other instructional per- personnel, and parents/guardians in support of instructional goals. Related services recommended for your child will be indicated on the IEP. The IEP indicates the number of times a week or month your child should receive the service (this is called the “frequency”) and the length of the session (this is called the “duration”), the maximum group size (if your child will be provided services in a group), the language in which the service must be provided and whether the service will be provided in your child’s classroom or in a separate location outside of the classroom (this is the “location”).

If your child has been recommended to receive one or more related services in his or her IEP and the school is unable to provide such service (s) with its own staff or with staff from agencies under contract, either during or after the school day, a Related Service Authorization (RSA) will be issued to the parent. An RSA allows the parent to use the services of an appropriately licensed, independent provider of the recommended related service(s) at no cost to you. Our school can help you with this process.


Special Education Teacher Support Services

Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS) are specially designed and/or supplemental instruction provided by a special education teacher. These services help your child stay in the general education classroom while receiving services from a special education teacher.

The special education teacher may work directly with your child to support participation in a general education classroom and provide direct specially designed and/or supplemental instruction to your child. This may include adapting the content being taught or using different instructional methods such as visual aids, highlighted worksheets, and simplified directions (this is called “direct” instruction). The special education teacher may also work with your child’s general education teacher to adjust the learning environment and/or methods to meet your child’s individual needs, (this is called “indirect” instruction).

SETSS may be provided in the general education classroom, in a separate location outside of the general education classroom, or in any combination of the general education classroom and a separate location. SETSS are provided in a group of no more than eight students, for at least three hours a week. Your child’s IEP must state the number of periods a week that the services will be provided.


Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT)

Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classrooms include students with disabilities and students who do not have an IEP. A general education teacher and a special education teacher provide and collaborate, throughout the day to adapt and modify instruction for your child and ensures the entire class receives a Common Core general education curriculum. ICT may be provided on a full-time or part-time basis. The periods of ICT must be specified on your child’s IEP, along with the content areas of instruction, (for example mathematics) in which he or she will receive the services.


Special Class Services

Special Class Services are services provided for children with disabilities in a self-contained classroom for a portion of or for the entire school day. The 12:1:1 class size has up to twelve students, one Special Education Teacher, and one classroom paraprofessional. A Special Class is a class consisting of students with disabilities who are grouped together to receive Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) from a certified Special Education Teacher. The special education students receive instruction separate from their general education peers. Our teachers adapt the content, methodology, and/or delivery of instruction based on the needs of individual students to ensure access to the general education curriculum.